
June 3, 2020


Like other patients with COVID-19, 格里·斯蒂芬斯在 The Johns Hopkins Hospital, which started March 17.

His wife of nearly 50 years, Georgene, 他躺在重症监护室里,我无法握住他的手, sedated and often delirious, breathing with the help of a ventilator. 他们的三个成年子女无法回到他们童年时在霍华德县的家陪伴乔治恩,因为她自己的COVID-19病情较轻.

尽管对高传染性病毒实施了限制, 格里和乔治恩并不是独自面对疾病的.

Pulmonary and critical care specialist Brian Garibaldi, M.D., estimates that more than 100 doctors, 护士和其他一线工作人员在这对夫妇住院期间和住院后照顾他们. 这个支持系统包括一个约翰霍普金斯家庭护理小组,他们在17天内来到斯蒂芬斯家14次,帮助格里恢复体力.

By mid-May, Gerry, an executive leadership coach, 是兼职工作,每天步行四英里吗. “I’m most of the way back,” he says.

Gerry, 69, and Georgene, 70, 第一对夫妇是在约翰霍普金斯医院接受COVID-19治疗的吗. 他们的苦难始于3月初,当时格里开始咳嗽和发烧. 他的病情恶化了,3月17日,他们去了 Howard County General Hospital, where they were both tested for COVID-19.

Georgene, who was asymptomatic, was sent home. But Gerry, feverish and struggling to breath, 被插管然后被救护车送到约翰霍普金斯医院, where he was treated in the hospital’s Biocontainment Unit.

The test results, which came back March 18, 格里和乔治恩都感染了新型冠状病毒. Georgene’s symptoms emerged later that week. “I started feeling lightheaded and funny,” she says, 所以她打了911,然后被救护车送到了约翰霍普金斯医院.

尽管她接受了治疗,第二天就出院了, 乔治娜在医院待了很长时间,加里波第和几个照顾她丈夫的护士都来探望她.

“他们进来告诉我一切,这让我感觉好多了,”乔治说. “Once I met Dr. 加里波第和其他工作人员,我知道格里处于最佳状态.”

Apart Yet Together

格里在重症监护室(ICU)呆了两个星期. 由于服用了大量镇静剂,他出现了生动的幻觉——这是重症监护室推荐十大正规网赌平台的常见经历.

当格里终于拔掉了呼吸机,能够说话时,他想给妻子打电话. 第一步是找到他的手机,手机在他的鞋子里. Then there was another problem, 这是由重症监护室推荐十大正规网赌平台常见的精神迷雾引起的:“我记不住手机密码了, and then I couldn’t remember my home phone number,” Gerry says. 于是护士们查了我们的电话号码,用医院的电话给乔治恩打电话.”

即使在格里4月8日回到家后,两人的分离仍在继续,当时格里身体虚弱,体重减轻了35磅. 作为预防措施,防止它们在脆弱的状态下传播其他疾病, the longtime spouses stayed apart for two weeks. 他们睡在不同的卧室,用不同的浴室,也不一起吃饭.

“When he came back from the hospital, 我只想坐在沙发上牵手,” says Georgene. “That’s all I wanted to do and I couldn’t do that.”

她还担心自己照顾不了格里. 就在那时,COVID-19急性后小组(PACT)开始采取行动.

Once I met Dr. 加里波第和其他工作人员,我知道格里处于最佳状态.

Georgene Stephens

Post-acute COVID-19 Team


Ann Marie Parker, M.D., 约翰霍普金斯大学的内科医生,专门从事肺部和重症监护医学, launched PACT in April with colleagues Emily Brigham, M.D., M.H.S., Sarath Raju, M.D, M.P.H.肺部和重症监护研究员杰奎琳·奥图尔(Jacqueline O 'Toole)博士.O., in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Home Care Group and the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

PACT的目的是帮助像格里这样的人从COVID-19中恢复过来并进行斗争 post-intensive care syndrome, 通常在ICU住院后出现的一系列症状,包括身体虚弱, cognitive impairment, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.

Gerry, 离开重症监护室时身体虚弱,精神模糊,还有创伤性幻觉的记忆, was an early PACT patient. 他接受了约翰霍普金斯大学精神病学家亚当·卡普林的治疗.D., Ph.D.; and physical therapist Carol Kelehan, 约翰霍普金斯家庭护理小组的语言病理学家艾莉森·马登和护士病例经理劳拉·里奇韦.

PACT的临床医生最近在Zoom电话中与格里和乔治恩重聚, 以及肺病和重症监护医生加里波第和 Mahendra Damarla, M.D., and hospitalist Amit Pahwa, M.D.

“一想到格里要回家,我就很紧张,”乔治恩在电话中告诉治疗师. “你们来了,真是帮了大忙.”

Gerry praised Kelehan’s pragmatic approach, 称这位理疗师为“渐进主义女王”,因为她敦促他每天只增加一分钟的锻炼.

All agreed that Gerry, 他是约翰霍普金斯医院首批新冠肺炎患者之一, had made an inspiring recovery, 他下定决心要变得更强壮,恢复幸福的家庭和工作生活.

“Initially, he had a lot of anxiety, 但生活中有目标与积极的结果相关, and Gerry epitomizes someone with purpose,” Kaplin says.

Savoring Small Pleasures

When Gerry and Georgene were finally able to reunite, 格里为他心爱的人做了一顿早餐. 由于疫情,这对夫妇取消了今年夏天50周年庆典的计划. 相反,他们正在享受一些小的快乐,这在不久之前是不可能的.

“I enjoy eating breakfast together,” says Gerry. “I enjoy strolling up and down our street together. We’re appreciating the simple things.”

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