Innovation in Infectious Disease Care

约翰霍普金斯大学生物防护中心(BCU)是一个最先进的设施,旨在照顾受COVID-19等严重传染病影响的成人和儿科患者, Ebola, smallpox, SARS, 病毒性出血热和其他新出现的特殊病原体. 该单位是约翰霍普金斯大学和世界各地专家的多学科合作.

Led by Lisa Maragakis and Brian Garibaldi, BCU的工作人员由自我选择的医护人员组成,他们接受了广泛的培训,以保持BCU的高水平隔离预防措施, 包括强化感染控制措施,如严格的个人防护装备穿戴和脱下程序. 该单元可在确保患者安全的环境中为多达四名患者提供护理, their families, health care workers and the community at large. When not active for patient care, BCU是研究和培训高后果病原体和临床护理的场所.

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View our annual report (pdf) for the 2022 fiscal year.

Biocontainment Unit Virtual Tour

Our Team

Stories of Care at the BCU



From Our Blog

Read our posts on the Medicine Matters blog. 

Contact Us

Brian Thomas Garibaldi, M.D.
Medical Director and Associate Professor
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
Johns Hopkins Biocontainment and Treatment Unit
Email: [email protected]